Monaco editor wrapped in a web component, with pre-built workers.
See Monaco Editor for more information about usage.
Add to your project
yarn add @kurrent-ui/editor
Also, include the peer dependencies:
yarn add @kurrent-ui/components @kurrent-ui/utils
Set up within a Stencil project:
In your stencil config, add the workers to your copy task.
// import the path to the workers
import { workerPath } from '@kurrent-ui/editor/configure';
export const config: Config = {
// ...
outputTargets: [
// ...
copy: [
// ...
src: workerPath,
dest: 'workers',
In your globalScript
// Add the core web components to the global pool
import '@kurrent-ui/components';
// add the editor web components to the global pool
import '@kurrent-ui/editor';
// import the monaco initialization code
import { initialize } from '@kurrent-ui/editor/initialize';
// initialize the monaco library (with options, if required)